Name: Ama
Position: Editor-In-Chief
How long have you been writing/shooting/etc? Writing- not until last year! I've been a photographer professionally for 5 years.
Why should people care what you think about music? Because I don't choose bands to publicize that wear eyeliner... well, unless it's corpse paint.
What is your biggest problem with current music magazines? Too much focus on "hype", pretty boys, and what teenage girls think is cool at the moment. Hardcore should not be shoved into one page in the back of a magazine.
Favorite Bands: Gorilla Biscuits, Youth of Today, Chain of Strength, Project X, The First Step, Alone in a Crowd, Beastie Boys, The Movielife, and currently MINDSET!
Least Favorite Bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favorite Artists: Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, David Lachappele, Ryan Eyestone
Favorite Movies: Cannibal Ferox, Zombie, Monster Squad, Kill Bill, Watchmen
Favorite Books: Books of Blood by Clive Barker, From Hell By Alan Moore, Get in the Van, American Hardcore
Other Random Hobbies? Skateboarding, comic books, record collecting.
Why do you work for Invasion? I started Invasion to give hardcore it's own quality zine without the bullshit the comes along with other alternative music magazines
Tell us a notable story from your show going experiences? Seeing Gorilla Biscuits reunion show at CBGB's with some of my best friends. Best day of my life.
What is the one interview/photoshoot that you would stab someone in the face for the opportunity to do? Beastie Boys, George Clinton, Katy Perry

Name: Kat
Position: Senior Publisher
How long have you been writing/shooting/etc? since birth
Why should people care what you think about music? I tend to feel like I am 100% right in anything that I say...On the other hand I'm not to worried about what other people think in general, unless I happen to agree with it.
What is your biggest problem with current music magazines? Well I can go on and on about this one. Lets just say that unless you are a metro sexual male offering yourself in exchange for a top spot in their magazines you probably wont have a chance in hell at ever gracing their pages. So why even bother?! Fortunately Invasion has a phobia of the HIV so we wont be bartering our sex that way, we prefer that our bands NOT suck...literally.
Favorite Bands: Taking Back Sunday, FEAR, Cocksparrer, Crass, Stiff Little Fingers, R.Peni, The Addicts, Guns N Roses, Poison, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Buzzcocks, The Decendents, DK, Danzig...to name a few and confuse you.
Least Favorite Bands: Kotton Mouth Kings, DLK, Insane Clown Posse, A Day to Remember, and a bunch more that would just piss people off if I named them all.
Favorite Artists: Baby Jesus
Favorite Movies: Equilibrium, Cruel Intensions, Fear, Swing Kids, Edward Scissor Hands, TEETH, Step Brothers, Duece's Wild, Mi Vida Loca, ect.
Other Random Hobbies? Painting, sewing, being awesome, teaching Sketch 101, crafting, making shit happen.
Why do you work for Invasion? Someone needed to play the bad cop, Ama already took the good cop role. Plus I like the plastic badge.
Tell us a notable story from your show going experiences? Getting quized hardcore about my knowledge of punk music before a band member would agree to doing an interview with Invasion while at a music festival. Passing with flying colors and beyond. Crushing hard. Gaining the sense of feeling that nothing is out of reach for me.
What is the one interview/photoshoot that you would stab someone in the face for the opportunity to do? Well since stabbing someone in the face isnt that intense I would go with George Lucas or Kevin Smith. Now gutting someone would be a different answer!
Name: Brett Segal
Position: Jack of all Trades.
How long have you been writing/shooting/etc? About as long as Ama's been snapping pictures and throwing tantrums.
Why should people care what you think about music? I've never written a hype-worthy riff or booked a sold out fest or show. I don't have all the right contacts or the right names to drop. I'm just a normal guy who has put his time into paying for shows, buying records, taking punches, and playing in a no-name band. I don't like the line being drawn between hardcore celebrities and the kids who carry them to pseudo stardom. I hope I can bring something that's been sadly lacking in hardcore, the normal hardcore kid's viewpoint.
What is your biggest problem with current music magazines? What is a "music magazine"?
Favorite Bands: Black Flag, Social Distortion, Bad Brains, Amenity, SSD, In Control, Descendents, Cut the Shit, The Rolling Stones, Annihilation Time, Take Offense, Tantive-IV, Blacklisted, X, Hour of the Wolf, The Unlovables blah blah blah
Least Favorite Bands: Any band that decides selling 15 versions of a fucking t-shirt is more important than delivering a worthwhile message and music to their audience. Don't make it worse by playing yourselves off as a "goofy" band.
Favorite Artists: Raymond Pettibon, Shaun Stroup, Andrew Bawidamann
Favorite Movies: Indiana Jones trilogy, any Western that involves Clint Eastwood or John Wayne, Blue Planet documentaries, Band of Brothers series
Favorite Books: Anything that's non-fiction and dealing with archaeology/anthropology, pirates or hardcore/punk. American Hardcore can kiss my punk ass.
Other Random Hobbies? Stenciling skateboards, comics, digging thousand year old things out of the ground, staying up way too late in the pursuit of higher education.
Why do you work for Invasion? Better question, why am I'm not being paid for said "work"?
Tell us a notable story from your show going experiences? No.
What is the one interview/photoshoot that you would stab someone in the face for the opportunity to do? I've been called "Rollins Jr." but I don't think I could ever interview him. I'd be too much of a fanboy and would end up giving a very boring and typical interview. I'd rather leave that one to the ones who are actually good at this shit. I'd really just like to jump at any opportunity to throw a wrench in the hype machine's gears for once and put the spotlight on some unknown and deserving band.

Position: Master
How long have you been writing/shooting/etc? 16 years/9 years/6 years
Why should people care what you think about music? You shouldn't, you should care about what you think.
What is your biggest problem with current music magazines? They suck.
Favorite Bands: Black Sabbath
Least Favorite Bands: ICP
Favorite Artists: Ed Kienholz
Favorite Movies: Ghostbusters
Favorite Books: The Old Man And The Sea
Other Random Hobbies? I live randomly most of the time.
Why do you work for Invasion? Ama
Tell us a notable story from your show going experiences? I can't remember anything.

Position: Staff Writer
How long have you been writing? Since I learned how.
Why should people care what you think about music? I only care if you like my music if I'm driving.
What is your biggest problem with current music magazines? Seeing the same four artists constantly. And caring more about personal lives than the actual music.
Favorite Bands: Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and the Who
Least Favorite Bands: Does John Mayer count as a band? I'd punch him in the face if I could.
Favorite Artists: So many. This is too broad- My favorite tattoo artist is Andrew Knapp. Favorite photographer is Ama Lea. Favorite dead person that made important art- Van Gogh.... Too many!
Favorite Movies: Both the Jurassic Park and Back to the Future series.
Favorite Books: I'm addicted to Chick Lit.
Other Random Hobbies? Making hair accessories.
Why do you work for Invasion? I needed new music on my iPod and interviewing bands seems to make me more interested in the music they make.
Tell us a notable story from your show going experiences? I was swing dancing at a show and the guy I was dancing with decided to flip me but I apparently didn't jump correctly and ended upside down with my bare ass hanging for all to see. And instead of trying to lower me, he kept repeating "You didn't do the move right!" ....
What is the one interview that you would stab someone in the face for the opportunity to do? I'd like to interview John Mayer and ask him why he sucks so much.
Name: Eros Marcello
Position: Contributing Writer
How long have you been writing? About ten years.
Why should people care what you think about music? I can articulate my criticism in a manner that is more constructive than demeaning. I don't just write bands off like I own the world and I have a pretty dead on taste on what takes effort and talent and what doesn't.
What is your biggest problem with current music magazines? A lot of attention directed towards passing fads.
Favorite Bands: Blink 182, The Misfits/Samhain/Danzig, Brand New, AFI, The Suicide File, Kids Like Us, Until The End
Least Favorite Bands: The North Side Kings. Worst band ever.
Favorite Artists: My perception of good artists include Jhonen Vasquez, Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
Favorite Movies: The Savages, Garden State, Fight Club, The Notebook, Donnie Darko, Juno
Favorite Books: Anything Chuck Palahniuk, Frederich Nietzsche, Anton LaVey and Tucker Max
Other Random Hobbies? Collecting "Friends" paraphernalia.
Why do you work for Invasion? Because I asked to.
Tell us a notable story from your show going experiences? Breaking my nose during the Mongoloids set in Edison and singing along to Cold World (who followed) covered in my own blood.
What is the one interview/photoshoot that you would stab someone in the face for the opportunity to do? Blink 182, I'd stab many people in the face to just meet them, let alone interview them.

Name: Nicole Katherine
Position: Fashion Editor
How long have you been writing/shooting/etc? I've been writing for about 10 years now. I have a BA in writing and literature in addition to my fashion degree.
Why should people care what you think about music? I don't care if they care. But, I was heavily involved with the Seattle Hard Core and Street Punk scene when I was a youngster. Worked at the All- Ages club RKCNDY, ran a zine called Aggro Scab that touched on the Northwest Music scene... oh yeah, and I'm a fashion whore, currently in Punk Rock Retirement (rockabilly) but still love all of the stuff from my youth, and will always be obsessed with GBH.
What is your biggest problem with current music magazines? It seems as though the advertising sponsors control the content. Let's give a voice to the struggling artists!!!
Favorite Bands: GBH, The Pogues and Johnny Cash
Least Favorite Bands: The Beatles. I hate their music, all of it. Is there anyone else on the planet that feels this way? Call me! Let's start a support group.
Favorite Artists: Rene Magritte, Gilbert Adrian (costume designer from Golden Era Hollywood), David Giron (he's the tattoo artist that did the artwork on my back)
Favorite Movies: The Boondock Saints, Bloody Sunday, Kung Fu Hustle, Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, From Here to Eternity, Harry Potter movies.
Favorite Books: Harry Potter Books, anything by Earnest Hemingway, The Great Gatsby.
Other Random Hobbies? Having fun with my little boy, Irish Step Dancing, soccer, coveting classic cars
Why do you work for Invasion? I want to help contribute something positive to youth culture. When I was younger, it seemed like the punk and hard core scenes were littered with screwed up individuals that we had as "role models." I don't necessarily want to be a role model, but I want to inspire people who are different, creative, whatever, to follow their dreams and don't let the filth get in their way. Or let anyone make them think they're losers because they aren't members of the Abercrombie and Fitch nation.
Tell us a notable story from your show going experiences? I have so many, but I guess the memory that stands out most in my mind was meeting and spending an evening with The Damned. They even invited me on tour. I didn't go, for obvious reasons, but how many people can tell a story like that?
What is the one interview/photoshoot that you would stab someone in the face for the opportunity to do? I would love to interview any up and coming artist/designer that's contributing something unique to the scene's image. Especially someone who has really struggled, faced all odds and keeps fighting to make it. The presence of that kind of person is an honor.

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